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¤ýÀÛ¼ºÀÏ 2002-12-02 (¿ù) 14:20
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Sept. 11: Ten Lessons to Learn
by Jim Wallis
September 11, 2002 by Jim Wallis

In a SojoMail column last fall, I wrote that Sept. 11 could either become a teachable moment and a doorway to transformation - or an excuse for our worst instincts and habits. It all depends on whether we learn the right lessons and make the right choices. One year later, here are 10 lessons we must learn if real change is ever to come.

1. Treat the threat of terrorism as very real. Don뭪 underestimate it or politicize it. Cells of terrorists around the world are trained and ready to strike again. To prevent further terrorist violence is a worthy cause. The question is not whether, but how. I live with my wife and four-year old son on a terrorist target, only 20 blocks from the White House. I want to stop potential terrorist threats against my family and other innocents with all my being - but not in ways that risk and kill other people뭩 four-year-olds.

2. Avoid bad theology. The American Bush theology sees a struggle between good and evil - we are good, they are evil. And everyone else is either with us or against us. If we can뭪 see the face of evil in the events of Sept. 11, we have been corrupted by the post-modern world of moral relativism. But we are not the good. That뭩 bad theology. Jesus teaches us to see the beam in our own eye, and not just the mote in our adversary뭩 eye. George Bush is a Methodist, but he sees no beams in the American eye. But there is also a bad anti-American theology that suggests that evil resides only in Washington, D.C. Bin Laden is not a freedom fighter. He cares nothing for the have-nots of the world. He뭩 only recently become interested in the Palestinians. His is a twisted ideology and pathology of hate, vengeance, and lust for power. And he would turn Islam into a religion of violence against innocents. We must act so that the world will not be remade in the image of the terrorists; and we deny the terrorists their victory when we refuse to be changed into people God has not called us to be.

3. Listen to the different perceptions of Sept. 11 around the world. Random, senseless violence, which can take loved ones at a moment뭩 notice, is not a new experience for most of the world뭩 people in places like Sarajevo, San Salvador, Johannesburg, or Jerusalem. Even the inner-city youth of Washington, D.C., were not as traumatized by Sept. 11 as their suburban counterparts. Our illusions of invulnerability must be shattered - so we can join the rest of the world.

4. Let뭩 define terrorism the right way, and allow no double standards. Terrorism is the deliberate taking of innocent lives. It applies to individuals, groups, and nations alike - all of which can and have supported and committed acts of terrorism. Those who turn airplanes into missiles to attack skyscrapers full of people, those who become suicide bombers, and those who order military strikes against apartment buildings full of civilians and children are all terrorists, not religious devotees, martyrs, or defenders of national security.

5. Attack not only the symptoms, but also the root causes of terrorism. Poverty is not the cause of terrorism, but impoverishment and hopelessness are among terrorism뭩 best recruiters. We must drain the swamp of injustice in which the mosquitoes of terrorism breed. Justice really is the best path to peace, and there is no security but common security.

6. The solutions to terrorism are not primarily military. Drying up the financial resources of terrorism, coordinating international intelligence, and multi-national policing are much more effective weapons against terrorism than bombing Iraq. Dealing with root causes is the best strategy of all.

7. It뭩 time to move beyond the old debates of pacifism vs. just war, and focus on the promising common ground of conflict resolution. We must ask what are the transforming initiatives and practices that will actually prevent, reduce, contain, and, ultimately overcome the inevitable eruptions of violence in our world.

8. It is time to end the era of unilateral action by any nation, even the world뭩 last remaining superpower - no matter how strong it seems to be. Nobody can go it alone. No victory over terrorism is possible without a whole new level of international judicial, political, and financial collaboration. Only a real world court to weigh facts and make judgments, with effective multinational law enforcement, will be able to protect us.

9. This is not a time for peace-loving, but rather for peacemaking, which is much more demanding. And peacemaking is, finally, less a position than a path - the path Jesus has clearly instructed us to take. That path cost him dearly, and no doubt will us too. But the alternatives are both impractical and frightening.

10. Finally, the fight against terrorism is a spiritual struggle, not just a political one. It causes us to ask what is really important, what our closest relationships really mean to us, and what we are really doing with our lives and the gifts God has given us. Like firefighters who make pilgrimages to Ground Zero, we are all pilgrims now.

JIM WALLIS is editor-in-chief of Sojourners.

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589 ¸®´õ½±°ú Á¶Á÷¹®È­ 200001024½ÅÁ¾Ã¶ 2003-11-13 2642
588 21¼¼±â ¸®´õ½Ê À¯Çü ¿¬±¸ Àü¹ÌÀÌ 2003-12-11 2565
587 ¸®´õÀÇ °¥µî°ü¸® 200001024½ÅÁ¾Ã¶ 2003-11-13 2385
586 ±¤ÇرºÀÇ Á߸³¿Ü±³ À̼­Áø 2003-12-10 2329
585 ¼º°ø¸®´õ½ÊÀÇ ¿ä°Ç Àü¹ÌÀÌ 2003-12-11 2265
584 ¼º°øÇÏ´Â ¿©¼ºÀÇ ¸®´õ½Ê Á¶¿øÈñ 2003-12-11 2208
583 911¿¡¼­ ¹è¿ïÁ¡ ÀÌ°ÇÈñ 2002-12-02 2200
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Presbyterian College and Theological Seminary, 353 Gwangjangdong, Gwangjingu, Seoul KOREA 143-756